Wednesday 12 October 2011

college magazine check list

Here's a list of things that you need to do to ensure that you stay on track with your Preliminary Task -College Magazine:

Type up the brief (what you are actually required to do) and publish as a post.
Do a LIIAR Analysis of the brief:
e.g. FRONT COVER . . .
L - What does each of your products need to contain:
- Masthead (short, memorable magazine title presented as a large, dominant icon to be noticed)
- The main image (full page) must be an MCU (face and shoulders only) and the subjects face must be able to be clearly seen, and make eye contact with the audience.
-Bright colour scheme with clear house-style of two or three main colours.
- Thumbnail images that illustrate other articles
- Anchorage
- Price & barcode
- Teasing contents along the bottom
- Competitions and free gifts
- Main article / feature advertised must relate to the the main image.
I - Perhaps you could pretend that you are producing a magazine for an existing publisher, whose other publications have something in common with yours / are totally different to yours (gap in the market)
I - What message / moral / values do you intend your magazine to convey about your chosen College and your target audience?
A - Briefly outline the target audience (you can develop it later when you've made more decisions)
R - How do you intend your target audience / College / and the students of that College to be represented? i.e. positively / negatively / accurately / stereotypically / unconventionally? etc.

3. Identify and explain choice of College to feature in your Preliminary task

4. Market research into 3 existing College magazines that target roughly the same audience as yours (e.g. they are competition). Analyse all of the following for each magazine using LIIAR:
- Front page
- Contents pages

5. Target audience (refine your ideas of target audience using demographics and psychographics - see powerpoint for help)

6. Price / how often published etc and why? (relate back to your refined target audience e.g. what can they afford? etc

*7. Initial ideas based on your market research (thought showers - to be done in a Prezzi Presentation (using, hand drawn drafts etc - scan them in on the scanner in the edit suite).

*8. Digital mock ups using found images (can be done on Photoshop / Publisher - remember to save as .jpg files)

*9. Planning / development:
- Take LOADS of images (remember, you have two products to produce and all of the images need to look like they belong together). Post all of them (or a selection of the best) to your blog and explain your choices.
- Start mocking up ideas (can be done on Photoshop / Publisher - remember to save as .jpg files)

*10. DRAFTS!!!
- Do absolutely loads of these in Photoshop.
- Save your work as a jpg. every time you think that you are finished, get some feedback, post the feedback, then do ANOTHER draft!

11. Final products posted.

12. Suggest how you would promote the launch of your magazine on the internet e.g. viral marketing campaigns.
- Perhaps you could even mock up a homepage for your magazine's own website based on research into existing magazines and their websites.
- Suggest how the relationship between the online and print version of your magazine would work e.g. what would be in the print version to make people BUY it rather than looking at it for free online? What are the benefits of engaging the audience via the website?

14. Audience feedback on your final products and ideas for your online version.

15. Respond to audience feedback in a LIIAR evaluation of your own work.

Help in presenting your work

Friday 26 November 2010

Blog Checklist for your Music Magazine:

Blog Checklist for your Music Magazine:

1. The Brief

2. Your Selected Music Genre
• What is the chosen music genre, which your magazine will focus upon?
• What are the key features of this genre?
To answer this you can look at images of artists featured in magazines/CD
covers/videos/websites etc.; images of any fans featured in magazines etc.;
and also other areas such as song lyrics.
• What magazines, currently in publication, cover this genre?

3. Select 3 music magazines ( at least one from your selected music genre). Analyse a front cover, contents page and a double page spread for each magazine using LIIAR. Upload scanned or photographed images of these magazines to your blog.

L – Media Language. How is the photograph composed? – describe the content of the shot and then discuss the associated connotations of the image.
Discuss the design of the magazine masthead – connotations of the font, position and colour.
List the other conventional elements used – tagline, cover lines, puffs, sell-lines and how they are placed within the design.
I - Institution – Use the Internet to research the publisher of the magazine. Quote your sources, don’t just copy. Are they a small independent or a large global company?
I – Ideology - What message / moral / values does the magazine convey about the music genre and target audience?
A – Audience – Who is the target audience? Publication media packs will give you this answer. Quote your sources, don’t just copy.
R – Representation -How is the featured artist / music genre to be represented by the magazine?

4. Identify your audience and what they like to see in your magazine.
Conduct an online poll on your Blog. This will be created in class.

5. Initial ideas and draft designs – these can be hand drawn and scanned in. Decide the name of your publication and the name of the featured artist and other content.

6. Photographic session – don’t just take one or two images. Really explore a range of angles and compositions. Post all your shots and comment on the quality of each image. Remember to really consider the selection of your model, their clothing and the location they are photographed.

7. Start to design your magazine front cover first. Use Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Publisher as your main pieces of software. Take screenshots of the techniques and processes you use. Explore the use of different fonts and layouts.

8. Post your final front cover design.

9. REPEAT STAGES 5, 6, 7 for the contents page & double-page spread which need to be posted as drafts on your blog.

17th December 4.00pm
• All the research and planning completed
• Front Cover Design – completed
• Contents Page and Double Page Spread – as drafts with all necessary photographs taken and article text complete.

Music Magazine Media Pack Links

Music Magazine Media Pack Links NME Media Pack Uncut Media Pack Mixmag Reader Profile Q Mojo Kerrang